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Yin Yoga is slow, steady and stationary and is a complimentary practice to the more active Yang style of yoga that is most commonly practiced.  It encourages flexibility, healthy joint stability/mobility/lubrication, stress reduction, mindfulness as well as the cultivation and circulation of energy (prana or Qi) . See images below for examples of Yin yoga poses.


Three pillars of Yin Yoga

1)Explore Your Edge or Boundary:  As you move into each posture sensitively, allowing the breath to be slow and steady, you will develop a dialogue with your body and mind to find the appropriate stress or edge.  This exploration of the concept of not too much, not too little and constant awareness is a core teaching in all of yoga.


2)Soften the Muscles: Tension in muscles causes stagnation, degeneration and brittleness;  tension in the mind leads to energetic stagnation, depression and even lethargy.  As you become still, softening and allowing gravity to work, you may find yourself able to let go and relax thus relieving tension. By repeatedly surrendering and then observing, you will develop a greater tolerance for your experience, your body will feel relaxed and at ease and your mind clear and restful.


3)Hold the Posture:  holding each posture for 1-5 minutes provides an opportunity to soften, stretch and to explore physical sensation as well as the calmness created in your mind.  As with acupuncture and acupressure, Yin yoga nourishes and supports the energy meridians of the body.  In all three of these healing modalities...whether applying pressure or using acupuncture needles or holding a yin yoga pose...the medicine of the release builds over time. 

Class Times & Livestream links

I incorporate  Yin Yoga in all of my teachings.  If you are interested in a class dedicated to Yin Yoga in the future, please email.


  • Please register ahead via email or text 503-680-0095.

  • Wear comfortable clothing

  • All yoga props supplied if attending in person

  • If practicing from home, consider setting up your space with soft lighting or candles near a wall that you can swing your legs up or lean back against.  Gather a yoga mat, 2 yoga blocks, a strap and several blankets or a yoga bolster



Affordable yoga, with most students donating between $10-15/class.  You can donate in class or via Venmo, please visit @deanna-nihill on Venmo  or the mailing address is 11545 SW Walnut Street Tigard, OR  97223.  Thank you for your kind support of my efforts.


Email Deanna Nihill 

Yin Yoga

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