Deep Roots, Strong Voice & Clear Vision
Coming Home & Staying Home
Coming Home and Staying Home is timely in the world we are facing today as it will give you tangible experience and practices that will calm your nervous system, help you reduce anxiety and provide you with a ladder of skills to help you listen to your intuition, find your voice and build your vision.
In Coming Home and Staying Home, you will hear the voices of many teachers including Maya Angelou, Tara Brach, Brene Brown, Pema Chodron, Kristin Neff and Elizabeth Gilbert to name a few. In Coming Home and Staying Home, you will greatly expand the practices in your toolbox to bring grounding rituals, true comfort, authenticity, connection, creativity and intuition into your everyday life. You will tap into all of your senses as you see, hear and feel your way deeply into your life while truly embodying the learnings. From this rooted, grounded place, you will build your vision for your best life, for the world you want to live in and for how to take your place in that world. The six classes take you on a journey toward coming home to yourself, as you step along the stones of the path you will practice:
Self-Belonging: Finding your roots
Self-Care: Finding True Comfort
Self-Leadership: Living Your Authenticity
Self-Acceptance: Choosing & Practicing Love
Self-Expression: Finding & Using Your Voice
Self-Awareness: Trusting & Honoring Your Intuition & Vision
I am a constant learner and seeker of the patterns and relationships which I have culled together in Coming Home and Staying Home. Please join me on this adventure as I share the wisdom I have learned, from many, in a unique and fresh way to help you find comfort, joy and immense meaning in your life.

What Coming Home & Staying Home Looks Like
I am beyond passionate about bringing this body of work to you especially at this time and have found a creative, safe and affordable way to do this. You will have two options to access this class:
In Person: If you are interested in attending all classes in person, the class will be taught outside amongst the garden flowers with herbal tea and a limited number of participants allowing for plenty of social distancing.
Online: Access the class live from the comfort of home via zoom, you will be able to see all videos and hear all of the music/meditations shared in class. Two cameras will be used to give you full range of view and the feel of being together. Class size will be limited to allow all participants to connect with each other.
Regardless of which option you choose, you will be welcomed into a warm, inclusive and supportive environment. The intention is that you will feel affirmed in meeting other like-minded souls; it can also be inspiring and connecting to take the course with a close friend, colleague or family member. Each class will be recorded and sent to participants offering the opportunity to review the class from the comfort of home. Payment plans, student discounts and sliding scale payments are available, I don't want finances to keep you from this life-enriching opportunity, let me know what your needs are.
Materials provided to you:
Thoughtfully designed, professional Coming Home & Staying Home Course Manual with the intentions and instructions for all practices as well as suggestions for going further in your exploration. Also included are many offerings of resources, books, quotes and poems to continue to support you on your Coming Home journey.
High-quality, heavy weight, spiral bound art journal to gather all of your work from this course in one place with plenty of space for you to continue your journey beyond the 6-week workshop.
Professional dual tip waterproof pen used throughout the course.
Handcrafted gift to commemorate your journey in Coming Home & Staying Home and as a reminder to keep growing
All materials will be available for pick up one week before class or can be mailed for $15.
Is Coming Home & Staying Home Right For You NOW?
Do you often rush through your days getting a lot done but questioning if your time was spent on what is really important to you? Are you focusing your time on what truly makes you happy, nourishes you, gives your life meaning? Are you living in a way that expresses your values? Are you looking after your body, your mind and your soul? We can so easily get caught up in the rush of it all, caught up in the repetitive ways of thinking and living that we’re on auto-pilot, putting one foot in front of the other with a lot of “doing” but often not living in a way that fills us up.
In Coming Home & Staying Home, you will establish grounding practices, find your authentic voice and build a vision for your life. This workshop is an opportunity for you to develop the practices for a more mindful and intentional life, a life with more “being” than “doing”', a life that’s not determined by old conditioning or what others are doing but instead a life that’s true to yourself and filled with awareness and connection. Living with greater awareness means you’re more in touch with what truly matters, what truly makes you happy and is in alignment with your values. You will learn to make choices that move you toward your own true north while building your capacity to live with more peace, wisdom and connectedness.
Further Details
Please join the mailing list to be the first to hear of future dates for Coming Home and Staying Home
Course Fee
$200 (includes a $25 materials fee)
Health & Safety Precautions
All in-person classes will be held outside, socially distanced around large tables (sanitized before and after class). All participants will have their own supplies for the duration of the class. Participants are welcome to enter and leave the class through the side garden gate.
Masks are required during class since we will be outside and distanced from each other. If you have a fever, or any Covid symptoms or have been exposed to a person who is sick, please enjoy the class via Zoom from home.
Hand sanitizer and wipes will be placed in the bathroom as well as on the table, please use both liberally before, during and after class.
To register for Coming Home & Staying Home, please submit the information on the form below (be sure to note which Option you are registering for) and press "Register". A $25 deposit is required to reserve your seat. Payment can be made below via Venmo or Apple Pay or you can mail a check to Deanna Nihill 11545 SW Walnut Street Tigard, OR 97223. Final payment is due one week before the first class upon material pick-up. You will receive a confirmation email as well as a receipt for your payment if you wish. Thank you for joining me on this journey, I am looking forward to connecting with you in this workshop.
What students are saying...
"I Loved All of it! The information and resources provided changed how I think and gave me tools to use daily. I also Love the Art / creativity piece." —Coming Home Participant
"The timing of it - perfect for what we're all going through." —Coming Home Participant
"The sharing of ideas and feelings from the participants. Fun to compare perspectives. Maya Angelou!!! The lady with the voice! The Mandela! The Instructor!" —Coming Home Participant
"I liked the time of reflection on the different practices and how they connect to my life and circumstances. I thought it was well-paced and gentle." —Coming Home Participant
It seems we never give ourselves permission to slow down in order to personally learn and grow. Deanna truly invites you into her home and gives you the space to think, reflect, laugh and possibly shed a tear. It is a creatively wonderful journey made possible through Deanna’s instruction and open heart. — Maureen Wolf
Deanna is amazing. You feel included and enveloped by an old friend the minute you meet her. She makes you feel so welcomed. Her class is inspiring, creative and eye opening. It is a time for self growth and a chance to be still to collect your thoughts about what’s really important in your life and what is truly in your heart. It’s a personal journey amidst the company of friends. Through this class, Deanna teaches us to be present and to live joyfully just by being your authentic self.— Carol Taaffe